- Mix of in-person workshops, discussions, small group activities, community volunteering, and a diverse set of guest speakers sharing their unique perspectives
- Structured as a cohort of 30-40 persons to promote bonding within group of professionals
- Moderately intensive 6-week program with 6 events to quickly and thoroughly enculturate participants to their new home
Program Focus
Our enculturation program is centered around learn, contribute, and connect.

Participants learn about local culture, Hawaiian history and communication/leadership styles in Hawaii.
Sample events: ‘Iolani Palace, Leadership Island Style, featured speakers sharing their mana’o
CONTRIBUTE (Community Service)
Participants build a sense of kuleana for the people and land through community service.
Sample events: restoring Huilua Fishpond, weeding lo’i kalo, volunteering with IHS
CONNECT (Networking)
Participants connect with their cohort, successful HITOP alumni and local community organizations.
Sample events: Pau hana, smaller pods to share common challenges and cultural norms